BRETT, EZSWAP, BRI, BWLD, JUICE, AGG, PIGCOIN, CAF and GMRX Trading Competition has come to a successful end! According to the criteria of this activity, we have issued rewards to users who met the conditions. Users can enter “Wallet” – “Bill” to check the reward distribution.
For details and rules of the activity, please visit [A Legendary Character: Brett (BRETT)Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $12,000 Rewards!]
[Gaming & Inscription Assets Market Making : EZswap Protocol (EZSWAP) Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $12,000 Rewards!]
[Trade Smarter with AI Rewards : Brightpool Finance (BRI) Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $12,000 Rewards!]
[Next-Gen of Sportsverse, One Game: Bowled(BWLD)Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $14,000 Rewards!]
[A disruptive Cross-Margin DeFi account: Juice Finance (JUICE)Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $10,000 Rewards!]
[Fun & Sustainable Gaming Ecosystem: AGG (AGG) Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $8,000 Rewards!]
[A Meme Community On Polygon:Pigcoin(PIGCOIN)Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $12,000 Rewards!]
[A Public Welfare MEME Coin: Childrens Aid Foundation (CAF)Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $13,000 Rewards!]
[A Web3 Gaming Infrastructure Project: Gaimin (GMRX) Trading Competition is Live, Join and Share $14,000 Rewards!] reserves the right of final interpretation of this activity. If you have any questions, please contact us through live chat.