Welcome to the tutorial that will guide you to sell crypto using bank transfer via Gate Connect in a few easy steps.
Step 1: Hover your mouse on Buy Crypto on the top menu, and click on Bank Transfer on the drop down menu.
Step 2: Click on Sell at the top of the page.
Step 3: Enter the amount you wish to sell in the I want to sell field, choose your currency and the crypto coin you wish to sell.
Step 4: Choose Gate Connect, all the information about your purchase will appear to the left. Make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions before clicking Continue.
Step 5: After clicking Continue, if you have enough balance of the crypto you are trying to sell, you will get a summary of your order, where you will also need to add a bank account. Press + Add Account.
Step 6: You will then get a popup asking you to enter your bank transfer details.
Step 7: If you have entered the correct bank details, you will return to the main Sell Order page where you can check your details one final time. If all the details entered are correct, please click on the Sell Now button.
Step 8: After clicking the Sell Now button, you will need to do the security verification. After entering all 3 codes correctly and accurately, please click on Next.
Step 9: If all 3 codes entered in the security verification were correct, you will get a page confirming your order was successful. You can monitor your bank account balance to check whether or not you received your bank transfer.
If your Sell Order does not arrive in your wallet within 3 business days, or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support at support@mail.gate.io.